Area 51 in Our Own Backyard?

There is an alien invasion going on all around us! Now these aren’t the aliens that you see in the movies, but they are certainly just as scary if you enjoy spending time on the water. Asian Carp pose a great threat to our waterways here in in the United States, and are knocking on our backdoor here at the Lake of the Ozarks. What Are Asian Carp? Big Head, Silver, Black, and Grass Carp are all collectively known as Asian Carp, with the most prolific being Big Head and Silver Carp. They were introduced to the U.S. in the 1970’s to control plankton and other nuisance populations in southern ponds. Flooding allowed these fish to escape their confined ponds and make their way into the Mississippi River. These non-native invaders have since been able to bulldoze their way up the Mississippi river. According to a 2013 study by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, they can now be found in over 23 state’s waterways. Why Are They a Problem? Asian Carp are a non-native species, with Blue...